The research methodology of Hermina Hayk, MSc, incorporates a diverse array of approaches that align with various types and classifications of research. These methods are designed to generate new knowledge, validate existing knowledge, and develop practical solutions for complex issues. The research methods can be categorized into the following main groups based on purpose, type of data, manipulation of variables, type of conclusion, and source of information.

1. Classification by Purpose

  Theoretical Research

Development of new theories and models to explain phenomena across various scientific domains.

  Applied Research

Application of scientific methods to solve practical problems and enhance our understanding of the real world.

2. Classification by Type of Data

  Qualitative Research

Use of non-numerical data to explore human behavior, social phenomena, and hypothesis formation.

  Quantitative Research

Collection and analysis of numerical data, often utilized in primary research to draw inferences about populations.

3. Manipulation of Variables

  Experimental Research

Investigation of cause-and-effect relationships by manipulating an independent variable and observing the effects on a dependent variable.

  Non-Experimental Research

Observation and measurement of variables without manipulation, frequently applied in cases of ethical or practical constraints.

4. Type of Conclusion

  Deductive Research

Testing of theories or hypotheses against empirical data by developing specific hypotheses from existing theories.

  Hypothetical-Deductive Research

Combination of deductive and hypothetical reasoning to test hypotheses through predictions and their empirical validation.

5. Source of Information

  Primary Research

Collection of original data directly from the source via surveys, interviews, experiments, and observations.

This comprehensive methodology enables Hermina Hayk, MSc, to address a wide spectrum of research questions, from fundamental research to applied research. By employing these methods she is able to generate both theoretical and practical insights in her field, thereby contributing to the expansion of the knowledge base and solving real-world problems.

Current Research

Hermina Hayk, MSc, is currently focusing her research interests on sex work and prostitution, aiming to understand the survival mechanisms and the phenomenon of trauma bonding among individuals engaged in prostitution. Her scientific work emphasizes analyzing the psychological and social dynamics that contribute to the maintenance of prostitution, as well as the impact of this activity on the psychological well-being of those affected.

A central theme of her research is exploring how prostitutes develop survival strategies to cope with the challenges and trauma associated with their work. Literature indicates that prostitutes often resort to mechanisms such as dissociation and the creation of "work names" or alter egos to psychologically distance themselves from the traumatic experiences of their activity. These strategies allow individuals to create a separation between their "work" identity and their true self, serving as a means to cope with the emotional and physical strains of prostitution.

Another research focus is on the concept of trauma bonding, which describes the deep emotional connection that victims can develop with their abusers. This bond is often reinforced by repeated traumatization and can lead to difficulties in breaking free from prostitution, even when the destructive aspects of their situation are recognized. This dynamic is particularly relevant in discussions on how to design interventions and support for individuals in prostitution.

The challenges of leaving prostitution and the obstacles prostitutes face when seeking support from law enforcement agencies are also important aspects of her research. Studies show that prostitutes who become victims of violence often hesitate to seek police assistance, partly due to the illegality of their activities and fear of stigmatization and further victimization by law enforcement. This underscores the need for a more sensitive and informed approach to supporting prostitutes who are victims of violence and abuse.

In future projects, Hermina Hayk, MSc, intends to examine the effectiveness of various intervention and support programs for prostitutes, with a special focus on programs aimed at promoting exit from prostitution. Additionally, she is interested in the role of education and public awareness in reducing the demand for prostitution and combating the stigmatization of individuals engaged in sex work. The goal is to develop evidence-based recommendations for policy and practice that not only improve the living conditions of prostitutes but also contribute to the reduction of prostitution and the promotion of human dignity.

Future Research

Hermina Hayk, MSc, is planning a future research project aimed at redefining the boundaries of strategic foresight and fundamentally improving the way future challenges are anticipated and responded to. The core idea of her endeavor is the implementation and further development of the backcasting approach, which will allow her to establish a more precise connection between future visions and current decisions. She will undertake this project as soon as the necessary funding is secured.

Her approach differs from traditional future research methods by not starting from the present, but from a concrete future vision. Hayk plans to design a specific future image, for example for the year 2050, and then work backwards to identify the necessary steps and key events that serve as milestones on the way to this future. By continuously questioning “What must happen before?”, she offers a systematic method to align future-oriented strategies with current conditions. This could lead to adjustments of the original vision to ensure consistency with the identified events and conditions.

The innovative element of her research project lies in creating a more flexible and systematic basis for political and strategic decisions through backcasting. By focusing on the prerequisites for certain future scenarios, such as the initiation of peace talks, Hayk intends to provide decision-makers with powerful tools for sustainable and future-proof planning.

The realization of this ambitious research project is imminent, provided that the necessary funding can be secured. Hayk's goal is to make a significant contribution to future research through this endeavor and to strengthen the ability of organizations and states to proactively and knowledgeably respond to the challenges of tomorrow.
